
Your Data Is in the Cloud and It’s at Risk

Companies and individuals are using cloud services more and more. Putting so much of our data into the cloud introduces a growing problem. The lines between public cloud, private cloud, and software-as-a-service (Saas) have rapidly blurred as new technology develops, redefining what “cloud” actually means. Some businesses put significant portions of their infrastructure into the cloud and choose to keep only a very small footprint in a traditional data center or office. More commonly, businesses will leverage SaaS to handle common IT requirements such as email, storage, CRM, and backups.

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Differentiating Key Management Systems & Hardware Security Modules (HSMs)

Who let the encryption keys out? Dog with Keys

Key encryption managers have very clear differences from Hardware Security Modules (HSMs.)  The main differences reside in how the HSM encryption keys can be used by a Key Manager or HSM.  There are other more important differentiators, however, let’s start with how encryption key managers leverage open standards, like the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP), and what exactly an HSM is.

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Fornetix and Cyphre Join Forces to Deliver Advanced Encryption Solutions

ASHBURN, Virginia, July 28, 2017 – Today, Fornetix® and Cyphre Security Solutions, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of RigNet, Inc. (NASDAQ:RNET), announce their strategic partnership to address the importance of approaching data protection in an active, continuous and programmatic way. Read more

RackTop Teams with Fornetix to Create FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Compliant Encrypted Data Storage Solution

FULTON, Maryland, July 25, 2017 Today, RackTop Systems announced the immediate availability of its advanced secure encryption service with support for external cryptographic key management powered by Fornetix® Key Orchestration™. The enhancement enables organizations to meet strict data-at-rest encryption requirements while providing effortless, unified management of encryption keys. RackTop’s advanced encryption service maintains the highest level of protection by eliminating any human interaction or knowledge of keys, pins, or passwords. Read more

Cyber Defense vs Cyber Security – Part 1

Cyber security and cyber defense sound a lot alike. Some people even prefer to call the latter cyber security defense. However, they’re not the same. I recently had the chance to respond to a LinkedIn post from Larry Cole about terminology for Cyber Security vs Cyber Defense. The conversation with Larry really hits home regarding what we are all doing with technology and services: defending what we consider valuable. I think we have all been wrong in calling it Cyber Security. It’s time to start saying Cyber Defense and act accordingly.
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